BIOS Files

Some emulators require a BIOS file from the original console in order to function correctly, for example the Sony PlayStation emulator pcsx_rearmed, GameBoy Advance emulator gpsp, the Sega Mega CD emulator PicoDrive and the Final Burn Alpha (FBA) emulator.


PES does not come with BIOS files due to copyright issues.

If you have access to a BIOS file please copy it to /data/pes/BIOS or via Samba to the BIOS directory, i.e. \\pes\BIOS

The following BIOS files have been tested with PES and are known to work:

Emulator BIOS Files
GameBoy Advance gba_bios.bin
Mega CD eu_mcd1_9210.bin, jp_mcd1_9112.bin, us_scd1_9210.bin
MSX See below for details
PC Engine CD / TurboGrafx-16 CD syscard3.pce
Sony PlayStation scph1000.bin

Final Burn Alpha

For the Final Burn Alpha emulator please place all BIOS files (e.g. for NeoGeo etc.) into the /data/pes/roms/FBA and /data/pes/roms/Neo Geo directories. If you have access to a FBA ROM set it should include these files already.


The MSX emulator requires a number of BIOS/system files to function. These can be obtained from the BlueMSX emulator.

  1. Download (right click save as)
  2. Extract the Machines and Database to the PES BIOS directory.
  3. You should now be able to play MSX games with PES.